We left before the workers got here today, but were so excited to see the second story taking shape and actual design of the house start to show when we got home. Dave Maddux, from the Arcus Group, has done a beautiful job of keeping the feel of a cottage, which our original house probably was, but finding a way of 'stacking' space to create interest, space and style.

The yard in the front is getting pretty tight for all the materials and equipment being used. At least there is a visual relationship to the size of the checks we are writing! We met with Trevor this evening, the tall drink of water to the right here, to talk about upcharges. He's one of the three in Brady 3. Everyone who has done renovations or built a house knows what upcharges are, and once the project gets going it is easy to see how it happens. It starts with something like this: "Hey, I wonder if it would be possible to do __________ instead of what we orignally planned of ____________. There's a time for dreaming and a time for a reality check. We had a little bit of both at the meeting. The great thing about working with Trevor is that he's very upfront right away about the impact of our changes. The major ones, like putting in a $4000 door system vs a $1200 door system on the back of the studio, are what causes the upcharges. Just because anything is possible with enough money doesn't mean it should be done. R-E-A-L-I-T-Y C-H-E-C-K!
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