October 22, 2009

Day 31, 32, 33, 34: Making Adjustments

Now that the garage floor is in, work on dividing up the space has begun as well as installation of all the mechanicals.

A header wall and doorway partitioning off the garage from the studio extends across the full width of the studio, allowing for larger doors to be put in at a later date if the next owners want to use the studio as boat storage.

The closet and bench area have been framed up in the foyer area. It will nice to have a more reasonable size of coat closet than 4'.

Turns out the header going from the new foyer hallway into the garage/studio allows for only a 6' door. To remedy that, the steps start 9" into the hallway, backing the doorway up the same distance. It works out in that it is one less step in the studio and only shortens the hall by 9".

The pole that held up the main electrical line was finally taken down. The power was rerouted into the house through a new panel in the studio. Not exactly where I would want it, but there are limits to what can be changed based on the amount of pain it takes. Since the box was already in that location in the previous garage, it was best to leave it where it was.

After another in depth conversation about what goes where, the electrical has been roughed in throughout the addition. I learned that there are specific requirements on the minimum number of outlet boxes per room, and per wall. Every room has a cable and phone outlet, as well as a ceiling fan box for future options.

The HVAC location and where the run should be has created some challenges. Because the studio is a slab floor, vent and return lines have to be put in the ceiling and not all of it fits between ceiling joists. A soffit had to be installed to cover the trunk linr and then shortened to accommodate the possible addition of a spiral staircase.

Plumbing lines have been run for the upstairs washer and dryer, bathroom and lower studio sink.

Inspections of all the mechanicals were lined up and ticked off. Looking good!

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