September 22, 2009

Day 11: Demolition

The real demolition of the garage is happening today. The electric company is scheduled to move the power from the garage to the temporary pole on the side yard. Butchoko Electric will then be run the power in pvc, along the ground to come back into the main house. Without this being done, all progress would stop. Glad the weather is so temperate. Already we can get an idea of what the house must have looked like at the time it was first built. There are windows that have been boarded up and walled over, siding changes, scars in the basement floor where earlier excavation have taken place, an addition to the back of the house. The changes these walls have seen... As much as this addition is in the name of progress, there is a whisper to be mindful of the integrity of the past, and what the past brought to us. Maybe most homes are starter homes at some point.

We have a door, that lead into the storage space above the garage that is now being torn down. Here is a picture of inside meeting outside as of 9 am this morning. It will be interesting to see how the roof comes down. There is a lot of really nice wood that seems a shame to waste by throwing into the trash bin.  Chris, the supervisor from Brady 3 told me that the large dumpsters are sorted and recycled, including the wood. Is that awesome or what? I hear words of warning, must be stuff dropping down.

For those of you who hold onto things, in affect, we are removing every bit of additional storage space, except the basement. The coat closet will be coming down with the front porch in a few days. Picture what to do with all the 'stuff' 28 years of marriage can accumulate. I look at some of this stuff and go What??? Why??? Purging feels very invigorating at this point. We are becoming good friends with various donation centers!

We decided to take advantage of one of the few, but last days of boating weather after work. When we left in the morning the garage was still standing with assurance that it would be down by the end of the day most likely. It was so beautiful on the water and the boat running so well we headed for home.

The view was fabulous all the way around. Been a long time since the house had this look, sans garage. The garage was added before the back addition seen here.

It was a very odd feeling walking onto our garage floor with no walls, rug still in place in front of the door. The ivy  that we have been battling since moving in, thickly tangled and standing as if the wall were still there. We have to thank Butchko Electric for keeping the progress moving!


  1. Amazing - just awesome. Dad and I check everyday to see what you have told us about the happenings. The pictures are great. We can't believe how neat these people are. I hope they keep up the great work. Mom and Dad too

  2. What about the bathroom. Will that be removed also? Mom

  3. The bathrooms will all be in tact, but we are making provisions for another one to be added to the upstairs addition, along with an upstairs laundry room. Both will be on the second floor, in the space between the new living space where the old garage was and the new 2 car garage.
