September 18, 2009

Masonry or Masonary

Days 7, 8 & 9 Brick by Brick. I have been slammed by a southern friend, Hall, a practitioner of the fine craft of carpentry, for calling the work of masons, masonary. It was the reiteration back, 'MAY suh NAIR ree' in that southern way of drawling it out to make a point, that is still amusing. Well, my friend, it is both accurate and correct to say masonry and masonary in this neck of the woods.

Regardless of the PC nature of the word, our foundation is being dressed up quite handily by the skilled masons from MK Masonry, Inc. Pat and Mike were out looking over the plans. They were very willing to do whatever color I thought I wanted, then very tactfully pointed out the rest of the old foundation was in fact the red brick I shunned. Red it is. They have matched the brick of the 1920 foundation to a T. The below grade pour has a buff color brick pattern with enough of a recess to be topped by the red brick work. When finished the front steps will be brick faced with sandstone tops, but that will be one of the last things done.

Trevor from Brady 3 has had the different trades cued up and ready to go once the permits were granted and not a day has gone by that some progress has not been made. Very impressive! The masons will finish up this stage of their work and the framing will start on Monday. We have had beautiful, dry, cool weather for this part of the project which has been helpful as well.

The coming week is threatening to be less cooperative weather wise, but Trevor's crew will still be ready and working. The only hitch to the old garage coming down is the cooperation of the power company that has to re-move the power feeding into our house through it. The pole on the west corner of the front has been waiting for 2 weeks to get juiced. Hopefully it's mission will be fulfilled on Monday, fingers crossed.

Brian and Johnny from MPW Construction were back filling the empty spaces around the foundation with stone. There is still some work that needs to go on under the stone, mainly the drain for the new garage and tying into the sewer line.( Our old line, which will be closed off except downspout drainage went out the back into the lake.) That's the second hole that will have to go through the old foundation. The gas line has to be moved from going in under what will now be our front porch to the east side exterior wall. The upside is the meter will now be on the outside of the house. Down side, hole #2.

Again, we continue to be impressed and grateful for the care taken at the end of the day to keep our yard as tidy as possible. It is easier on us and our neighbors. Thanks everyone!

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